Chibi Knight Review: Super fun, but super short

In the ever-expanding world of indie games, Chibi Knight stands out as a charming yet modest entry. This game, designed with a blend of retro inspiration and fresh, adorable art, offers a unique, albeit concise, experience. It channels the spirit of classics like Zelda II: The Adventure of Link but with its own whimsical twist. Despite its simplicity and brevity, Chibi Knight manages to capture the hearts of many with its endearing visuals and enjoyable combat mechanics. However, beneath its cute exterior lies a game that, while fun, has its share of shortcomings that prevent it from reaching greater heights. In this review, I, Brighton Nelson, will delve into the aspects that make Chibi Knight a delightful, if somewhat limited, adventure.
Story - 1
While there is occasional dialogue here and there, none of the cutesy dialogue can amount to Chibi Knight having an interesting story. While I love this game, no part of me could ever say it even has a semblance of a captivating narrative. And you know what? That's okay. I love this game regardless.
Combat - 8

Taking inspiration from Zelda II: The Adventure of Link, Chibi Knight refines the formula into a much more accessible and streamlined combat system. In this game, you have to simultaneously balance upgrading your sword, armor, and magic abilities, making for rewarding, fast-paced combat that doesn't unfairly challenge the player. However, in direct comparison to its inspiration, I'd still argue in favor of Zelda II's combat.
Art & Graphics - 9

The art in this game is so cute and beautifully charming that it still baffles me to this day that a singular little girl designed it. Every NPC, enemy, and landscape is immaculately crafted in a distinct art style that I can't help but adore. I'm majorly ecstatic to experience this game's sequel and see what new phenomenal artwork is brought to the table. What a gorgeous game.
Music - 4

I remember there is one really good song in this game, but even as an avid Chibi Knight fan, I have very little recollection of this soundtrack. However, while forgettable, this soundtrack serves its purpose well, and it certainly isn't the worst soundtrack I have ever heard.
Sidequests - 2

Outside of one or two optional spells and a couple of hidden experience points scattered across the world map, there's no side content in Chibi Knight. While I love Chibi Knight, it isn't a game with meaningful sidequests, and with its bite-sized runtime, it could certainly help. However, a part of this game's charm is its short runtime, so I can't be too hard on it.
Locations - 3

This game only has one real dungeon to explore, but honestly, it is a fantastic dungeon. The labyrinthine final dungeon is home to four distinct and difficult bosses, tons of secrets, and more! The other bosses also technically reside in dungeons, but those are only a couple of screens long, so they can hardly qualify. The world map also has some cool secrets, as I mentioned in the sidequests section, but ultimately, the locations can't be carried by a single dungeon.
Abilities - 5

This game has a simplistic, barebones array of magic spells, but they work perfectly in this game. My gripe isn't the simplicity, but the lack of implications magic has outside of combat makes me have some wishful thinking for this game. I loved how Zelda II and similar games incorporate magic into exploration and puzzle-solving, which this game didn't utilize. As much as I enjoy the simplistic style of this game, a couple of satisfying puzzles and explorative Metroidvania-esque barriers would work wonders for this title.
Theming - 7
While it is pretty simplistic, the idea of playing as a cute chibi character and saving the world is epic. Sometimes, the simplest ideas work, and this game is a testament to that. However, this game still could have been more original in its style and substance, so for that, I can't give this game a higher score.
Quality of Life - 10

I literally have no problems with this game in terms of its quality of life. Everything in this game is perfectly optimized, with nothing being buggy or annoying. For a game developed by such a small team, this game's lack of issues is genuinely impressive!
The Verdict

Fun Factor: 8
Overall Score: 57%
Letter Rating: C
While this game is entertaining and definitely worth a playthrough, compared to the grand scheme of games, it is rather average. While every minute of this game is fun and exciting, some games are much longer than this, and I share that same sentiment. While I recommend any Zelda II or Metroidvania fans play this immediately (you could beat it in one sitting without question), I can't give it a higher score due to its brief runtime and its lack of super engaging content.
Primary Version: Chibi Knight (PC)