The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask Review: Hard-to-play atmospheric brilliance

Released in 2000 for the Nintendo 64, Majora's Mask is a divisive yet captivating installment in The Legend of Zelda series. Set in the doomed land of Termina, the game introduces intricate time-looping mechanics and a foreboding atmosphere, standing apart from its predecessor, Ocarina of Time. Praised for its masterful storytelling and thematic depth, Majora's Mask challenges players with its unconventional gameplay and, for some, dated N64 controls. Now, without further ado, RPG Ranked presents... The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask Review: Hard-to-play atmospheric brilliance.
Combat - 5

Infamously, I've never truly enjoyed the combat of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (outside of its incredible boss design, of course). The N64 control scheme is really clunky for this game and simply doesn't work (unlike, say, Super Mario 64). While later 3D titles found unique ways to convince me that 3D Zelda combat can occasionally work, I've always found this game to struggle outside of, again, its boss design. Simply put, playing this game's combat isn't nearly as engaging as those first four Zelda classics. However, one thing does elevate this combat a bit over its predecessor: the Masks. Being able to play as the Deku, Goron, and Zora races (as well as the iconic Fierce Deity Link) makes for a game that has much more variety in its combat. However, the lack of fluidity to the combat in this game unfortunately guarantees this game an average score for me.
Music - 8

While a slight step down from Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask still has a brilliant soundtrack that ultimately really stands out in the grand scheme of the series. Fantastic tracks like the Main Theme, Termina Field, Molgera, and more stand as some of the most iconic and catchy soundtracks of the entire series. I freaking adore this soundtrack; it's easily one of the best of the series.
Art & Graphics - 2

I don't exactly love old 3D graphics, especially anything from the Nintendo 64 and the original PlayStation. Even as somebody who grew up on old 3D games, I will always take charming pixel art over weird 3D graphics. While I love the iconic Zelda riding off on a horse cutscene, and I love some of the art direction, the art's attempt at semi-realism reminds me of later games that annoy me, like Final Fantasy VIII. While the graphics are nostalgic and significant at the time, they aren't exactly plentiful in the modern day.
Quality of Life - 1

Similar to the graphics, this game's controls and camera are undoubtedly archaic and make it hard for me to love this game, as nostalgic as it may be to me as somebody who grew up on the game. By stark contrast, other games of the time, like the original Paper Mario and Super Mario 64, still feel relatively modern to this day. In the end, no Zelda game annoyed me more than this game, as much as I absolutely adored the dungeons and time-traveling gimmick of this game. I wish the game felt fun for me, but it simply doesn't. In my opinion, its impressiveness has waned with time and is hard to play in the modern age. However, regardless of how much this game annoys me, it still has just as much merit to me as it does for others, even if I'd rather not replay the game these days.
Items - 9

With many of the phenomenal items of Ocarina of Time plus an array of fantastic masks that completely mix up the game's gameplay in ingenious ways, Majora's Mask has one of the absolute best item lineups of the series. Ultimately, this is one of the absolute best item lineups of the series. Absolutely fantastic.
Dungeons - 7.5

This game certainly does many things much better than its predecessor, but, unfortunately, this category is not one of those things. With only four dungeons and a few mini-dungeons, this game is severely lacking compared to its predecessor. However, it still has great quality to its dungeons, even with its lack of quantity. The first three dungeons are slightly above-average Zelda dungeons, and, of course, the Stone Tower Temple is phenomenal. However, in the end, the lack of dungeon variety holds this game back from being one of the best sets of dungeons in the series.
Sidequests - 9.5

This game is easily one of the best Zelda games in terms of its sidequests! This game's more non-linear approach to storytelling and sidequesting makes for a unique experience! You truly have to learn the schedules and livelihoods of each character to gain items and help people fulfill their last wishes, and, frankly, this makes for one of the most unique gaming experiences of all time. Ultimately, the heart and soul of this game show through its sidequests, and for that, this game deserves its endless praise. However, one Zelda game does have better side content (spoilers: it's Breath of the Wild because of its amazing DLC).
Story - 10

This game easily has the best story of any game in the series! While the actual idea of the world ending isn't exactly unique, the execution of this story where there are only three days left before the world ends? It's masterfully executed! Unlike the more lighthearted games set in Hyrule, where the danger feels far off, Termina always shows the players that they must be helping end this crisis. The dialogue, characters, and atmosphere here make this story something special in a series full of middling storylines that rely on a sense of adventure. This isn't a basic story of saving a damsel in distress; it is a dynamic narrative where Link has to risk his life to save people, accomplish heroic deeds, and have those deeds reset, with only Link being any the wiser. The complexity of this interconnected world where each person is living their life before the world perishes is incredible. These aren't traditional NPCs who mindlessly attempt to help you on your quest—no, these are real-feeling people living the last three days of their lives to the best of their abilities. Ultimately, this game has a phenomenal story that rivals JRPG stories and absolutely decimates traditional Zelda stories.
Theming - 10

With an emphasis on sidequests, the time-looping mechanic, and the use of masks to solve puzzles and participate in combat, this is the best-themed Zelda game, with an absolutely lovely premise. Everything about this game oozes bizarre personality, and while I don't love the 3D Zelda gameplay as much as many, I can't deny the absolute brilliance of this game.
The Verdict

Fun Factor: 6
Overall Score: 69%
Letter Rating: B
While I don't love the gameplay of Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask because of their control schemes and simply the fact I prefer the 2D formula, I firmly believe this is the most intriguing and unique Zelda game that; while I didn't personally love playing it, it's a brilliant game that I firmly respect. I would recommend this game to anyone looking for a unique gaming experience, and while it's really not for me, I'm confident that many will absolutely fall in love with this game.
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Primary Version: The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask (Nintendo 64)